Creeper (01/2021), Female
Hello everyone, my name is Creeper. I was a member of a lovely family and I was born indoors. I was lucky enough to be raised and taken care of by my real mom and also a great human daddy, who adored me and my siblings. Unfortunately, due to some personal circumstances, our dad could not be there to love and look after us any more. We were all left alone in our home, without the human affection we were used to getting. A lady come every second day, to feed us but we were all going a little crazy and felt very lonely. Our Dad made the decision to bring us all to the Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T. shelter - so we get all the love we deserve and hopefully also find our forever home. So, I have always been a big lady and even today, while not fat, I am proud to say I appreciate my food. Which means you will have a lot of me on your lap, purring my heart out and asking for your attention (which I do a lot). I am very close to my family and we spend a lot of time grooming each other. I am still a little shy with the other cats at the shelter but after sniffing them a bit I warm up to them.
I am a very sweet and loving cat. Once you earn my trust, I will want to be next to you all day and all night and will show you my charming lovable personality! I love to sleep next to you on the bed and to know you are around, I feel safe and cozy. You can always tell when I am really happy because I will wag my little nub tail.
I am very talkative and will initiate long conversations with you!!!Oh well, what can I say.. there is always so much to discuss!
I have a story behind me which makes me really special. All of the sudden on the 23rd of October I paralyzed from the waist down, was panting and was breathing very fast. I was rushed to the vets and they immediately put me on oxygen, proceeded to an x-ray and administered medicine. I was diagnosed with thromboembolism due to heart disease. They also discovered pulmonary edema with liquid in my lungs. The veterinarians were not optimistic. Nobody gave my caregivers big hopes I would stabilise and survive… but despite all odds, I did.
After being hospitalised for weeks, getting lots of different treatments and medications, getting daily physiotherapy sessions, my conditioned improved. At first the vets didn’t know if I will be able to walk again but I am a fighter. I am almost back to normal walking now and have surprised everyone with my strength and spirit.
I will need medication for my heart on a daily basis and will be subjected to clots but in the right environment and with proper care I will bloom and become an even better version of myself.
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