Noel (07/2022), Female
Hi there! My name is Noel. I was rescued at the beginning of December 2022 by the founder of LBS. I was lying on a burlap coffee bag in front of local coffee shop, not moving, barely breathing due to my snotty nose, extremely cold and with large area of necrotic tissue in my mouth. I was brought to LBS Foster Home where they started to heat up my body immediately as I was already partly stiffened. When they managed to stabilized me a little bit, I was taken to the veterinary clinic. My condition was critical and truly, I don´t remember much from that day. I was hypothermic with temperature bellow 35°C and I was told that chances for my survival were extremely low. I was put on IV fluids and all I know is that people around me were really trying to help me. I felt safe and loved and maybe that decided that I wanted to start fighting for my life. It seemed that somebody finally cares about me. I couldn´t eat properly, I couldn´t swallow without pain and food often came back out via my nose. Even drops of water were really painful in my mouth. Everything was a problem, breathing, eating, drinking, moving, but I did it, I tried, I wanted to live and I have never given up.
And now, here I am, all healthy and ready to conquer the world. I am the sweetest and most tender creature you will ever meet. Although I have faced such difficulty and suffering in life, I haven’t lost my courage, my willpower or my energy! I have the cutest soft voice which you can easily mistake and if you don’t see me you will think I am a tiny kitten! When my caregivers prepare breakfast they always know where I am and distinguish me from the rest of the kitty family by my special meows.
I absolutely adore can food and sometimes I might try to steal some from the others, but don’t get me wrong. I do it in a very polite way, I am a lady after all. I love strokes and snuggles and if I see you sit down I will come closer seeking for some love and affection. Always!
Apart from all the above, I am also extra intelligent and aware of everything. Everyone feels safe being around me and even the shyest cats will hang out next to me as I am so tiny and cute. I love all my roommates but I always have a special friend and need to bond a bit more than with the others. My best friend at the moment is Fox, I am very caring and loving towards him.
They call me their Christmas miracle, and indeed I am. Everybody loves me, I know it, I feel it. I am a good and sweet girl after all, just bit spoiled. I am very friendly towards everyone! All I need is to give them just one of my looks and humans do everything I ask of them, I definitely have them wrapped around my paws. You probably won´t find more joyful kitty in general. Nothing can stop me when I set up my mind to something. I love to play, with other kitties or with any toys, I don’t really have a preference. A simple pen or a cup from the bottle can entertain me for some time. I am very curious and active. I run and jump around the house like there is no tomorrow. You can observe my rollicks for hours. And when I am finally tired, I just curl up somewhere on the cat tree or some soft cat bed and have a proper nap.
I am very observative, I need to know what is going on around me. I love to watch TV with birds on, but of course, live birds on the terrace are even better. I am a small fur ball full of energy and positive vibes and considering what I had been through, I am indeed a small miracle. I am blessed to be here. Now, all I want is to find my forever loving family which will spoil me as I deserve. In return, they will get the happiest and most grateful little kitty in the whole world.
Noel was adopted abroad and she travelled to her forever home in January 2024.
Microchip number:

Noel is sponsored by Inka (Germany) and Leticia M. (Brasil)
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