Toby & Winston (03/2020)
Toby and his brother Winston were found in the neighbourhood of Varkiza. They were living in an abandoned house with their mother, the house was being demolished so they were left with nowhere to live. Our team sprung into action and caught the babies and took them to the vets, then shortly they came to our shelter to grow and receive the love they deserve. Their mom was sterilized and released back to her natural environment.
Toby is a super affectionate young man. All he wants is to be as close to you as possible! He is a little purr machine, he will snuggle up and make himself comfy ready for nap time. He is always running to greet you at the door and has endless amounts of love to give! He loves to play too, him and Winston are little rascals and will play with anything they can find, especially each other! They are very closely bonded and both will shower their human with affection.
Winston is a happy go lucky kitten. He is full of energy and loves to chase anything that moves! He loves humans, is always ready for a cuddle and to snuggle up for a nap. He will always come and say hello, he likes to help you with daily tasks by sitting on your shoulder to watch everything. He is a curious little kitten who is super affectionate. Winston and his brother Toby and very closely bonded and will give their humans so much love! They will also keep everyone entertained with their playtime!
Toby and Winston were adopted together abroad and in February 2021 they travelled to their forever home.
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