Sia (01/2022), Female
After being treated and spending quiet sometime at the LBS foster home I am finally ready to introduce myself!!
I was found and rescued in front of a restaurant near the foster home on Varkiza, Athens. I was in a bad condition as I was suffering from a bad respiratory issue and had to stay at a vet clinic for 10 days to boost my immune system. When my condition was a bit better and LBC team could continue the treatment at home I got discharged. After receiving treatment with antibiotics and sage I can easily say that my respiratory problem is an old story!
I am a very friendly cat who likes to spend time around other kitties! I like to jump on them and chase them around! I am also extremely friendly towards people! Even though I can someone scratch or bite it’s all part of playtime for me and humans are currently trying to teach me some lady manners!
I am a confident lady who don’t feel timid by other cats, new people or loud noises!! It took only a week for me to adjust to the house and the other residents after coming to LBS foster home so we can all definitely agree that I have a character. I adore playing as well! Anything can become an interesting toy and I can be occupied playing on my own for long periods of time! I enjoy playing with other cats as well and I am in general a cheerful and joyful girl.
My favorite play date of them all is another kitten named Meli. I like to sleep in the cat tunnel, on the sofa and sometimes next to humans. I enjoy spending time outdoors on the protected terrace but mostly love to spend time with people. I enjoy cuddles and strokes and my favorite place to pet me is my head.
When it’s time to cuddle I will demand the attention by rubbing myself on you or climbing on your laps. The best part of my personality is that everything, even a piece of paper can become a fancy toy. Even though I am small in size, I am full of energy and always ready to go.
I have been tested positive for FIV but I am very friendly towards other cats so I can easily get adopted in a household with others of my kind!
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