S.M.A.R.T Links, Collaborators and Supporters

S.M.A.R.T. Links
Greek Law protecting animal rights
Owned and stray animals are protected by law. Hurting, neglecting or poisoning them is a prosecutable offence. The protection of animals and their rights in Greece is secured by most recently adopted Law 4039/12 (ΦΕΚ Α-15/2-2-2012), which was amended by the article 46 of the Law 4235/14 (ΦΕΚ 32/11-2-2014). The police have a responsibility to investigate any allegations of cruelty etc of stray or owned animals and to respond promptly and efficiently to all cases of animal abuse. Please do report cases of animal neglect, abuse or poisoning to police or inform your local animal protection and welfare organization.
Note: The Greek version of the Law 4039/12 and its amendment can be found in the following link: www.sapt.gr/en/the-new-law-40392012-and-its-amendment-february-2014. The English working translation of the Law 4039/12 can be found in the following link: www.animalactiongreece.gr/1073_2/Greek-legislation.
ANIMA – Association of Wildlife Protection in Greece
ANIMA is Greek NGO founded with the aim to protect wild animals in Greece. They provide emergency care to wounded animals and facilitate their return to the wildlife, when healed. ANIMA also organize educational events, publish news about environment & wild animals in Greece and participate in research and various studies about Greek wildlife in collaboration with Greek universities and independent researchers.
ANIMA also publish on its website very useful information about what to do in case you find a wounded wild animal.
For further information please visit ANIMA website at: www.wild-anima.gr
Contact address:
Menelaou 134
Tel.: (+30) 210 95 100 75
E-mail: wildlifecare@gmail.com
ARCHELON - The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece
ARCHELON has been established in 1983 and its primary objective is to protect the sea turtles and their habitats in Greece through monitoring and research, developing and implementing management plans, habitat restoration, raising public awareness and rehabilitating sick and injured turtles. ARCHELON is running Rescue and Educational Centre in Glyfada, Environmental Centre in Agiannakis (Kyparissia) and Environmental Centre and First Aid Station in Pagalohori of Rethymno (Crete). Visit ARCHELON at: www.archelon.gr
Contact address:
Main Office
Solomou 57
104 32 ATHENS
tel/fax: (+30) 210 5231 342
email: info@archelon.gr
Sea Turtle Rescue Centre
3rd marina of Glyfada
tel/fax: (+30) 210 8944 444
(+30) 6941 511 511
e-mail: rescue@archelon.gr
Environmental Education Glyfada
tel: +30 210 5231 342 (group visits)
tel: (+30) 210 8982 600
(+30) 6932 640 949
e-mail: education@archelon.gr
Environmental Centre
of Agiannakis
245 00 ELEA
tel: (+30) 6951 009 785
email: pelop@archelon.gr
Environmental Centre and First Aid Station of Pagalohori of Rethymno
tel: (+30) 6937 352 379
email: archelon.crete@gmail.com
ARION - Cetacean Rescue & Rehabilitation Research Centre
ARION was created with the aim to rescue stranded cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), wounded or orphans and re-introduce them back to their natural environment if it is safe to do so. Visit ARION at: www.arion.org.gr
Contact details:
Email: arion@arion.org.gr
Tel.: (+30) 6945 531 850, 6945 644 994
MOm - Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal
MOm is a non-profit, non-governmental environmental organisation, founded in 1988 aiming at the protection of the number one critically endangered marine mammal in Europe and its biotopes, the Mediterranean Monk seal. Visit MOm at: www.mom.gr
Contact details:
18 Solomou Str.
10682 Athens, GREECE
Tel.: (+30) 210 522 2888
S.M.A.R.T. Collaborators
Natural Greece is organizing a small group tours connecting visitors of Greece with its amazing nature. The tours include bird watching, botanical tours, bear tracking holidays and marine eco adventures. Travel experiences are led by the best local guides that possess vast conservation knowledge in their field. Natural Greece donates at least 10% of their profits to nature conservation projects in Greece.
Visit Natural Greece website at: www.natural-greece.gr
Hippie Fish offers handmade eco friendly items from sustainable and natural materials. It brings its customers fresh, fun, nautical art & gifts from Greece and proceeds from their sales are helping feed and care for the local abandoned stray cats. Something that the Hippie Fish does "every day come rain or shine".
Visit Hippie Fish Etsy shop at: Hippie Fish Beach Art

S.M.A.R.T. Supporters

Big Hands Little Paws
Big Hands Little Paws is a New York City based animal welfare organization which rescue dogs and cats from shelters, streets and neglectful situations, place them with loving foster parents and help them to get into forever homes.