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Arizona (2021), Female

Hey my name is Arizona! I was living with my baby daughter Nopal (Mexican for “Cactus” although I am more like a cactus in my nature than she is) with a kind lady who brought us to live in her home from a life of struggle on the streets. One day this lady fell ill and had to move abroad and brought us to the shelter for a safer future where I now live with my baby girl. We miss the kind lady and think of her, and I am now trying to embrace my new life at the shelter with so many new friends.

I am a small stocky build yet ballerina like and agile type of cat, multi coloured in the browns with some touches of golden orange, my face is round like a desert moon, and I am oh so shy and come across as quite serious, which I am in fact, but I am also very street wise and sensitive, I will hide from people I don t know at first  but I will eventually with time come out of my shell especially in the presence of a friendly chill male cat that would make me feel comfortable and secure and then I will be less shy of humans. I get super cuddly around the right people and calm environments make me shine!.


I seem to be cautious but after a day or so, I become very cuddly will always sleep curled up on the end of your bed with you. I love to cuddle with other cats but can also be quite independent and enjoy my private space and time! I get along well with the shyer cats in the house, but I am definitely an attention lover compared to others. I am a sweet soft kitty who loves to be up high. When you call my name I will jump down from my hiding place and come to snuggle with you. I will rub my whole body against you and will keep asking for more cuddles. Sometimes I even dribble when I really enjoy your company! I am a quiet lady but also very curious and explorative! I adore spending time on the protected outdoor areas and lay under the fresh breeze. When it’s time for bed I will nudge to get under the covers with you.


I also love to follow you around whilst you’re cleaning or getting dressed. I look forward to become someone’s family and get all the love and affection I deserve.

Microchip number:


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Arizona is sponsored by Gro H. (Norway)

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