Lizzie (01/2019)
Hey I’m Lizzie! I was found by a cat trapper when he was helping with a TNR project. They caught me to sterilise me and then realised I was super loving and affectionate. He kept me but couldn’t offer me a forever home so asked LBS to take me in.
I’m a sassy girl! I know what I want and when I want it, I will tell you with my meows! I would like to be the only cat as I like humans all to myself. Their cuddles, their affection and playtime. My favourite thing in the whole wide world is… bread! I go crazy for it, I will sniff it out and hunt it, it tastes so good! So I need a family that won’t mind keeping their bread away from me. To be honest any human food is really good, so you better watch out! I am a cuddle monster, I will find you and lay on your chest and purr sooo hard. Humans are super cool.
I like to have my own space to chill, cat towers are cool as I can sit up high and watch everything that’s happening down below. I would like a calm home where I can be the centre of attention. I will give you so much love!
Lizzie was adopted abroad and in June 2021 she travelled to her forever home.
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