Sora (08/2022), Female
Hello there! My name is Sora, in Japanese language it means “Sky”. I got lost from my family when a big and strong storm came to us. I found a hiding place where humans kept bringing me food, but I was so desperate that I cried and cried all days long trying to call my mum to find me.
After few days, one human came and took me into a warm and safe place. It took me few days until I calmed down, but when I realised that nobody wants to hurt me, I started to relax and explore everything. And what a second chance for a life. I can play all day long with other kitties, snuggle in with humans, or even eat whenever I feel like it. Of course, I have some duties as well, I consider my duty to help cleaning litter boxes and help with mopping, but after that, I can have a small power nap and play again. Tiding and exploring wardrobes is one of my favourite occupation of the day.
I really enjoy sitting or sleeping on human´s lap, and then I often just purr myself to sleep on them. I like to give head bums and also, I enjoy cuddles whenever possible. I do loooove to go outside on the protected terrace, and usually give a hard time for humans to bring me in. Sunbathing is just the best when I have the opportunity.
There is one thing you should know about me though; I can be little bit scared in a new environment and I need little bit of time to adjust. I can hide a bit, but once I build up my courage and decide to go out and check it out, I often find out that there is nothing to be scared off and I am all outgoing again. All I need is time and patience. Other than that, I am super soft and gentle, kind and sweet, curious and explorative, calm but strong and brave young lady who wants nothing else, just a nice family that would love me forever.
Sora was adopted abroad and she travelled to her forever home in January 2023.
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